Tuesday, December 9, 2014


                                                   "IN THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON"

What is it about this time of year that has such a profound effect on us: the anticipation of gifts, reconnecting with family and friends, celebrations, time off from daily routines, giving more than we normally would the rest of the year, or simply welcoming a new year?  Whatever it is, this season can bring out both the best and the worst in us.  Sometimes the worst comes about because of too much of the best. We anticipate, indulge and commiserate our exercise of excesses, in whatever direction, in the spirit of the season. 

What is it about us that cycles through this year after year?  Many vow they are not going to do it again next year and yet they know they will probably get caught up in the spirit of the season and repeat the cycle.  It is almost like some kind of anticipated, exercised and often regretted catharsis.  We need this time of year to somehow be special rather than disappointing.  We need to feel like we have participated rather than having been left out.

It is interesting how much of the world pauses to take note of the season: there are temporary truces, cease fires, government shutdowns, market closures and so forth.  It is interesting that it is somewhat of a global phenomenon even if only in reaction to those who do participate around the world at such high levels of societies.  Its occurrence is acknowledged in many sectors of the world where it takes on a culturally different significance.  Sometimes it is respected, sometimes it is rejected.  Whatever our response or reaction, it makes a statement about us individually and culturally. 

There is a part of us as human beings that I call existential self.  It has to do with the meaning and significance we attach to our existence.  Philosophers and theologians have debated it probably as long as we have possessed the language to do so.  Many do not believe they even think about such "deep" topics and yet they are living out whatever it is they believe life is about.  We all do.  Some are just more conscious or intentional about "fleshing out" their existential beliefs. 

There is a part of us that knows we were meant for some kind of connection.  We need to somehow feel like we have been a part of something bigger than we are to validate something deep within us. Many believe that need is met by our relationships with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and so forth.  Others believe it needs to include some kind of connection to an existential being.  AA calls it "a higher power." Some believe it is an extra-terrestrial connection, aliens.  World religions describe and prescribe connection to the person or object of their faith or stated belief system.

What does all of this have to do with the Holiday season?  Is there any connection?  It is in many cultures and celebrations an intrinsically existential celebration.  How about you?  What meaning do you assign to your celebrations?  Perhaps that is not something you consciously think about.  You just want to celebrate.  Whether that be in the "spirit" of the season or in the "Spirit" of the season, I respectfully wish you a meaningful season!

Until next time . . . this is, Just Janice!



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