Tuesday, December 16, 2014


                                                       "SIGNS OF THE SEASON"     

There are signs of the season all around those of us in Western society.  It is the Christmas/Holiday season for millions.  Those signs lift our spirits and enhance our anticipation of that which is to come.  They also remind us of the hope associated with this season.  It is good to be reminded and reflect on how much there is to be thankful for and hopeful about.  In a world that is reeling with tragic incidents and uncertainty, this is especially indicated.  

For Christmas celebrators those signs include decorations, busy malls, greeting cards, shopping lists, visits to Santa, baking, family gatherings, special programs and so forth.  For others the signs and meaning of the season are different and often go unnoticed by the majority of the population.  It is good for us to be reminded of this and sensitively acknowledge and respect the traditions of others as they celebrate. 

It has always been interesting to me how many feel they betray their own beliefs and traditions if they respect another's.  This may be proportional to the dichotomous nature of one's beliefs.  It may be an expression of perceived loyalty.  It may be fear of the unknown or discomfort with difference.  It may simply be a quiet resignation to live out one's own dignity peacefully.

For many Christmas includes some acknowledgement or inclusion of a manger scene with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.  One of the most beloved Christmas carols is Silent Night.  It is often sung to candlelight.  In the Christmas story the Light of God is heralded to have been born into a dark world where God has been perceived of as silent.  Biblical history has held to the belief that God had been silent for over four hundred years, during the time between the Old and New Testaments. That would imply that on that Silent Night God was breaking His silence in the birth of Jesus.  Symbolic of that in the story is Zechariah's silence being broken at the time of John the Baptist's birth.  Interesting!

Have you ever noticed that at this time of year we often hear from those we do not hear from any other time of year?  It is part of the season.  It comes in multiple formats: greeting cards, e cards, phone calls, texts, visits and so forth.  There seems to be a need to greet others where we would otherwise neglect to do so.  Greetings are one of the signs of the season.  We almost feel compelled at this time of year to extend some kind of extra greeting to those we pass or meet.

Whatever our traditions or belief system I hope we will all make an extra effort to extend greetings to others.  We never know the impact that may have on another individual or their day.  It is important to be sensitive in doing so but to be paralyzed by a fear of offending is not good either.  It is a good time to connect or reconnect.  It is respectful to wish others and their families well.

Best wishes as you celebrate this Season.  I trust that you will enjoy the signs of the season.

Until next time . . . this is, Just Janice!


  1. Greetings Janice! Hope retirement is treating you well!

  2. Hi Janice I am hoping to get in contact with you please email me asap

    1. This is Mary btw email me at heiressmakrama@gmail.com thanks
