Tuesday, August 26, 2014


                                                         "MERGER WISHES"

One of the main news stories over the last day or two is the proposed merger between Tim Horton's and Burger King restaurants.  Tim's merged with Wendy's a number of years ago but failed to expand into the U.S. marketplace as hoped.  Perhaps this second attempt will be more successful!

When I heard the announcement I wondered about the terminology involved.  We are familiar with the term "merger" in the market place.  We are familiar with the concept of "partnership" as one of many potential business structures.  When I think of partnership I think of some kind of an alliance or association that is mutually beneficial to the parties involved.  When I think of merger I think more along the lines of two or more entities coming together to form some kind of new entity.  At times merger can even result in one entity being absorbed into the other.

Business is not the only place we witness such attempts.  Relationally there are "merger wishes" at work as well.  Often we "couple" with the distinct hope that in doing so something we hope for will be actualized either individually or as a product of the partnership.  Sometimes both parties are aware of the desired effects of such a union.  At other times the personal agendas of such mergers may only be more or less known to one or both parties.  Sometimes you know going into such an arrangement; while at other times you realize them in the process or only in the aftermath of such an attempt.

We have all read or heard of stories where elaborate schemes to manipulate, extort, steal from others have been attempted through what, on the surface, appear to be legitimate mergers.  We have also read or heard stories regarding joint ventures that benefit many through the respectful associations and alliances with others who possess different resources or skill sets.

Are we ever totally aware of all the forces at work when two entities agree to work together for some reason?  While some desires and agendas are consciously and intentionally shared by one or more of participants, others are more subconsciously at work.  Even where there are elaborate contractually binding agreements we are not immune to hidden or subconscious agendas or intentionality.

The key to moving forward well depends on several factors being authentically at work.  It requires moving forward with conscious and intentional transparency, not "hoped-for transparency," that is really a cover for hidden agendas.   It requires trust based on deep integrity.  It requires mutually-agreed upon outcomes where it is possible to anticipate and work toward the same.  It requires entering into such a working alliance for the purpose of what you can give rather than what you can get from the joint venture.

Such working alliances require some degree of health in each of the participants and in their ability to communicate well, connect well and resolve conflict to the satisfaction of all in order to maximize the desired outcome.  That does not mean it is always easy; it takes sincere work to do it well.  It requires a developing sense of self-awareness as well as an awareness of others and relational dynamics.  I prefer a paradigm of synergistic infrastructures when and where possible within superstructures.  That does, however, require a certain tolerance of difference and the creative ability to carve out unique solutions.

Sound complicated at multiple levels?  It is!  The world stage is proof of its necessity, its successes and its failures for multiple reasons.  That does not mean we should cease to work at it.  If anything, we need to work harder at it for the benefit of others and our world.  The concepts of collegiality and teamwork have been popular for years.  Everybody does not have to be on the same team; everybody does not have to attempt to solve a world problem.  We need to work at making a difference within our spheres of influence. 

There is a growing awareness that the issues we face in our world appear to be increasingly complex, convoluted, perhaps even impossible to resolve.  Why?  We cannot even agree on what a resolution might look like.  Many are giving up, hunkering down, pulling in and just taking care of their own.   They feel it is beyond them to even know how or what they might contribute to any kind of a resolve.
More and more people are just trying to survive. 

How about you?  Where are you at in terms of using your influence for good, to contribute to the welfare of others and our world?  My favorite news stories are when children and young people hear about a need and simply, fearlessly, decide to do something about it (like backpacks of toiletries for the homeless).  They are using who they are within their spheres of influence.  They are trying to make a difference by just being who they are!

Until next time . . . this is, Just Janice!

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